The name 'St Theresa of the Child Jesus' is the name given to the Nandom Roman Catholic Church. So anytime St. Theresa springs up, those who know it to be the church might think that it is being referred to the church, but in essence, the name has also been given to the only hospital which is a district hospital not found in a district capital and the agency hospital that is sometimes confusing with regards to the name. Others call it the Nandom Hospital, whist it is officially known within the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) as 'St Theresa's Hospital.' That not withstanding, it is a hospital that has moved from one level to the other transformed by several medical directors until date.
It has the General OPD, a Pharmacy, X-ray Department, a Laboratory, An Operating Theatre, The Kids Ward, General Ward, Surgical Ward, Eye Clinic, Public Health Unit, Ante natal unit, Maternity Ward, Administration, Health Information Unit, Accounts, (Medical Records) under the health info Unit.
The hospital is sometimes overstretched looking at the fact that it is a referral center which caters for various sub-districts and other districts like the Lambussie - Karni, The Sissala West/East, Jirapa and even Lawra the district capital.
The Hospital offers specialist service from time to time in Gynecology, Orthopedics, Urology by visiting specialists and a Neuro-surgeon who has been there since the past three to fours now offers neuro-surgery.. The Orthopedics specialist who is a son of the area has decided that despite his busy schedules in the St. John of God hospital in Duayaw Nkwanta, he still finds time to come and consult and do operations from time to time, at least one or twice a year.
The Nandom Youth Forum, earlier discussed in one of my publications also does well to mobilise doctors on a yearly basis to go and consult and even sometimes operate for free. Although their stay is not always that long, two or three days, the impact it has always had on some people is too great to be measured.
That is why I have decided to be a BLOGGER on issues bordering on things happening up-north of Ghana and to see whether there will be anyway at all any one can help to improve upon the happenings in Nandom and its surrounding areas. If no one speaks on issues bordering on Nandom, I believe it is time that hidden issues that needs to be tackled are brought to the fore to be addressed.
They can only be addressed if you the reader passes this info onto someone or institution that can help. For people to be in good health, they need to be economically empowered, that's why I started with an article that 'my people are suffering'. I am hoping to see in no time the number of responses I will receive through the interventions individuals, institutions and NGO's will roll out for my people and subsequently extended to other districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana.
The Nandom St. Theresa's Hospital is equally looking up to you, as an individual, corporate organisation, NGO, Philanthropist and whoever you are to find a way of helping the hospital to enable it take proper and good care of its people within its catchment area. The Mission statement is to "Continue Christ Healing Ministry on Earth" as much as they humanly can, so that the human sole and body will not be in conflict to think that Christ or the Lord does not care.
Who knows, may be by going to Nandom yourself can help you assess issues on your own better.
Please your comments are most welcome on whatever issues I have raised on this BLOG.
Thank you.